buku · rants

bloody monday = bloody boring

I take back what I said previously about Bloody Monday. It's BOOORIINGG because the story's got no substance whatsoever. The perfect example of a plot-driven manga. I groaned practically at every chapter due to the stupid plot. むかつく!!! 😡 Ughh.. Skipped to the last three chapters and I'm thankful that I did. Turned out the… Continue reading bloody monday = bloody boring


Bloody Monday

A fast-paced action with plot twists coming up one after another. Contrary to what most people say about it, I don't think it's THAT great. Everything was too much, even the plot twists. Reading it feels like watching a big-budget Hollywood action flick. Great action, no substance, just flash-bang-boom all over (think Transformer). It used… Continue reading Bloody Monday