

I like reading articles on the policies of the Trump administration if only to see the reactions of the readers. Reading the comments taught me a lot about the process in their governance. When the policy discussed in the article is seen as absurd most readers would encourage others to contact their local Senator and… Continue reading dikwar


gede pisan euy

Saya baru ganti theme (setelah menelantarkan siblog bertahun-tahun). Sebetulnya sudah lama gatal tiap membuka blog hurufnya kok besar sekali jadi bikin berasa visually impaired. Berhubung udah lama gak ngutak-ngatik dan jadi gaptek, saya mengira harus ganti theme padahal ternyata tinggal ganti ukuran huruf. Mau balik ke theme lama gak ingat yang mana. !-_- Hahaa I… Continue reading gede pisan euy