
may you all perish in h***!!

Hmmmpphh beberapa hari kembali ke Indonesia, the one thing that made me fully realize that I’m back in Indonesia is all the swearwords that instantly jump out from my mouth every time I walk. Pedestrians are of the lowest caste. They have no right whatsoever. They have to look out for buses, cars, bikes, and (my sworn lifelong enemy) motorcycles even when walking on the walkway. EVEN WHEN CROSSING AT THE PEDESTRIAN CROSSING!!!! Well scr** you all!!

Several nights ago, when I got off from an angkot, (lagi-lagi) a motorcycle nearly ran into me. I admit that because I didn’t look carefully behind me it’s partly my fault but what set my fuse was the mulut comel yang naik motor. “Hati-hati dong mbak”.. (And the intonation was exactly the same with the one usually used by pria-pria kampungan to pick up girls..) GAAAAHHH!!!! Minta mulutnya ditampol pake swallow tuh orang.. But I digress, this post is a rant on the ill-manners of motorcycle riders in Indonesia, particularly in Jakarta (I’ll rant about those kampungan men later). My point is, itu si pengendara motor dared to tell me to be careful?? As if HE is. May I remind you dear sir, that 80% of all traffic accidents involve motorcycles??!! And that is because 99.99999% of the time motorcycles DO NOT follow traffic rules. During the short time span I live in Jakarta, I’ve had motorcycles almost running into me so many times. And I follow the rules, mind you. I cross the street either at the crossing or on the bridge and I only do so when the light is green for the pedestrian.  And still I have to evade motorcycles. I’m thinking of carrying some pebbles with me to throw the motorcycles running through the red light with. (Or perhaps rocks would be a better idea?? :idea:)

10 thoughts on “may you all perish in h***!!

  1. Pertama, kau buka dulu helm mereka.
    Kedua, keluarkan pisau dapur yang kau bawa dari rumah.
    Ketiga, belah kepala orang tu jadi dua. Empat kalau bisa.

  2. masih mending diseruduk ama ajoshi yang ngerasa sok bener ya sit ^^ kalo dijakarta tuh ajoshi udah diomelin ama pemuda kampungan kek yg naik motor itu kkkkk

  3. Bawa baseball bat laah.. Kalau memang superrrrrrrrrrr jahat, bawa obeng, tapi bukan untuk orangnya.

    “hati hati dong mbak”
    *cusssss* (suara ban meletus)

    rinse and repeat…

  4. dasar kau..
    itu muji ato ngehina…=.=
    klo g bales dimaki aja…
    aku pernah marahin bapak2 kek gtu d trotoar 😛

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