
nanimonanimonanimo nai

I was gonna rant on the outrageously awful “Halloween II” but on second thought I don’t think it even deserves my rants. ^^ I’ll just say this, spare yourself (and your wallet). DON’T watch it. Unless you want to know what a substandard crappy movie is like. If it weren’t for the association with the Halloween series, it would have been a straight-to-video one. Seriously, it’s THAT bad. Now, even though I said it didn’t deserve my rants I did rant a bit on the movie so I guess I’ll continue this post to rant on my sworn enemy. πŸ˜†

I used to hate people who smoke in public places so much I never thought I’d see the day something replaces them in my heart (halahh..). Turns out living in Jakarta has introduced me to the lowly species that is motorbike riders. I HATE them. I REALLY HATE them. I HATE them with all my heart. And if you’re a pedestrian in Jakarta then I’m sure that you will agree to at least some of what I’m saying.

Motorbike riders in Jakarta showed me that THEY, and not smokers, are the most selfish creature in this whole world, my world at least. I’m sure every pedestrian has had a rider honking him from behind when walking on the walkway. I’m sorry, I thought walkways are meant for pedestrians. Are you walking? No, you’re not. SO WHAT’S WITH THE HONKING??!!!!

Riders also NEVER stop even if they’re going to run into something. They don’t stop even if it seems they’re gonna collide with a car so there’s just NO way in hell that they’d stop for a pedestrian. As I mentioned before , I’ve had riders barely avoiding me at the intersection DURING THE RED LIGHT just because they won’t hit the brake. I’ve even had a rider actually running me over EVEN THOUGH I WAS CROSSING AT THE ZEBRA CROSS!!! Fortunately I survived the accident (dengan memar di sana-sini bak korban penganiayaan) with my head and all four limbs intact. Masih inget aku, motor kawasaki ninja (sedikit curhat ^^).

Yang bikin lebih sebel lagi, motor kalo nyelip-nyelip suka-sukanya aja. Tapi kalo dia kesenggol marah. Eh monyong!! Macam jalan neneknya aja dibikinnya.. Jujur, kalo ngeliat kecelakaan (yang 90% korbannya motor tentu saja) aku udah gak ada kasian sama sekali ngeliat pengendara motor yang jadi korban. Bukan apa-apa, kemungkinan besar he brought it upon himself.

I know, I know, not all riders are like that. But due the VERY HIGH frequency of my meeting an ass**** rider, I’ve adopted the principle “guilty until proven otherwise” ato kalo dalam bahasa Indonesia, “praduga bersalah”. Kalo elok laku dia, barulah aku menganggap “Oh, ini orang. Bukan pengendara motor.” kehkehkehh

No offense to riders reading this. Sukur-sukur pengendara motor yang baca ini agak bertobat dikit. Kalo ada orang lagi nyebrang dikasi lewat. Gak suka ngebut dengan motornya yang saking ributnya kayaknya kalo diukur mencapai desibel 100. Ato kalopun kelakuannya gak berubah setidaknya abis nabrak orang ada lah kepikiran dikit..

2 thoughts on “nanimonanimonanimo nai

  1. Kekeke, motor di indonesia raja jalanan. Klo di jepang (osaka), speda yg seenaknya aja. Gw sering liat, org naek speda sambil sms-an nyebrang jalan ga liat kanan kiri…

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